Kent Crockett

Kent Crockett is a Bible teacher with a passion for making disciples and the author of 11 books. He has been a pastor and a guest on Christian radio programs. Kent graduated from Texas A&M University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has been to Israel four times and has led tours. Kent is an avid Texas A&M football fan but also enjoys following all the SEC colleges. Kent and his wife Cindy have two children. His weekly devotionals are at


Randy Abele

Randy Abele graduated from the United States Air Force Academy and served on active duty in the Air Force from 1977 to 1993. He has worked as a commercial airline pilot for over 20 years. Randy's passion is to see the Bible correctly taught and its truths properly applied by Christians. He has served as an elder and taught Bible studies in his local church fellowships for many years. He and his wife Jane have four children and six grandchildren.

Jack Cunningham

John “Jack” M. Cunningham Jr. grew up in Mobile, Alabama. A graduate of the University of Alabama, he’s a former high school history teacher. He’s been a professional writer for almost forty years, and has written for numerous magazines and Sunday school publications. Jack has contributed to a men’s devotional series published by Broadman & Holman Publishers as well as written five books, four of which are historical novels. He’s been a contributing writer for two of David C. Cook’s publications, The Quiet Hour and Devotions, and teaches Sunday school at Frazer Church in Montgomery, Alabama.