
"I praise the Lord that I came across your web site and for His wonderful revelation through you." --Kingsly in Congo, Africa

"I just want to let you know how wonderful and inspiring are your devotionals. I print them out and have a 15-25 min discussion with my wife and 3 kids. Your messages are timely. God bless you!" -- A.V. in California

"I’m starting to read The Sure Cure for Worry for the 5th time. Every time I read it I get something out of it. I want to say thank you for your wonderful book and as I finish reading it I start it again. It's all that keeps me going!" --Jacqui in Cape Town, South Africa

“You have a ton of great resources on your Making Life Count website. The Answers to Questions page is great. Nice work!”

“I'm so encouraged by your website and the material found there. I appreciate your passion for discipleship.”


“I teach a Woman’s Bible Study in Phoenix, Arizona. I was looking for some illustrations and found your site and ordered a bunch of your books. I just wanted to say thank you – your books are helping me which in turn help those I teach! I just wanted to encourage you and let you know how important your books and website are in my life!”

"I want to use some of your material for our dorm bible studies or as a quote for the week. Thank you!" --A.R. at Texas A&M University

“I found your website today while searching for the Ten Commandments resources.  Your articles are well researched and well written. Such good teaching should not be kept from the rest of the world.  I want to help spread your teaching to many others.”


“Just wanted to thank you for your website which brought me a lot of joy. There's a lot I can share with my students. Please keep up the work.” 

"Another really, really inspirational devotional. You are so good at delivering God's Word to people." --S.M. in Colorado


"Your devotionals always have such perfect timing and are always an inspiration. I share them with several others who really appreciate them as well." -- Patty 

"Can you help us with ideas of how to strengthen our bible study group. We are in Kenya and our group consists of University guys and we will be meeting in a lecture hall." --F.N. in Kenya

"I am interested in learning more about video teachings and bible studies to help me grow spiritually and teach me the things you have learned from God." -- I. C.  

"Thank you for the very inspirational devotional messages. I am blessed by them so please continue writing them." -- R.J.

"I would like to receive your bible study and daily devotional studies." --I.O. in Nigeria

"This devotion is such a blessing and I am looking forward to reading them daily. I will be checking your other materials and sharing your site with others. Thank you and God Bless." --Judy

"Today's devotional hit close to home. Thank you." --E.H.

"I want to say thank you for your bible study on "Don't be Afraid." --G.S.

"Thank you for the fine messages." -- Stephen in Virginia

"Your devotional was a much needed word that I needed today." -- R.K.

"Just wanted to let you know I really enjoy your website as do a lot of others I know!"--S.W. 

"I came across your site today...top notch and tremendously helpful." --R.M.

"I just wanted to thank you for your book The Sure Cure For Worry. My friend has been very confused and worried about a life decision. Your book and its stories are amazing and very helpful. I absolutely love it, I know this will help him greatly. Thank you!" --Justine

"Thank you so much! As always, an awesome devotional!"--a reader

"You always write things that seems to pertain to what I am going through. Thank you." --Lavonna

"I love the sermon illustrations I find for my husband every week on your site! Blessing to you!" --a pastor's wife

"I want to encourage you and let you know how important your books and website are in my life! Blessings, Lisa